Simplified and fast process
Solwood Homes and partners are a group of companies that comprimise of planning and designing units, Engineering units, production units, and an assembly team.
Our end to end solution and quality assurance has established us and our affiliates to export all over the globe since 2002.
Our production affiliates have own private forests that gives us ease to access enough timber supplies. Logging is carried out by modern automated John Deere and Ponsse logging complexes. This allows you to harvest more than 300 thousand cubic meters of northern wood per year and ensure the execution of orders of any volume. The company's plants are located at three sites and are equipped with high-precision woodworking equipment of reputable European brands EWD, Weinig, Hundegger, Krusi, REX.
Cutting of all the “cutting” joints is performed on CNC equipment “Krusimatic G-1” (Switzerland), Krusi (Switzerland) and STROMAB Autoblox (Italy). Control files are created in licensed programs ,CAD software Cadwork (Switzerland). The use of such software products allows the production of parts of complete sets of houses with high factory readiness, precision and accuracy. Which, in turn, guarantees tight joints without spaces for blowing or air passage, thus requiring negligible use of additional joints, which also for faster installations.
SOLWOOD HOUSES are produced in ECOLOGICAL CLASS E1. Glued structural beam of strength class GL24h and prefabricated house kits manufactured in accordance with the EN 14080 standard are in demand and are successfully exported to the EU countries. Our production facilities are certified under Eueopean quality certificatoin by Holz Forschung (Austria) EN 14080: 2013 and the FSC certificate for woodworking industries. This documents the level of quality of products and technologies used in the manufacture of glued beams and construction of our houses. With us it is 100% quality assured.
Our quality assured modern facilities with various quality certifications. Our manufacturing procedured using the best Finnish glue rated as non toxic and specially developed for GLULAM. The thickness of the glue line is only 0.3 mm, while the glue itself is inside the beam, practically not in contact with the airspace of the premises. Thus, this modern building material preserves the natural air exchange and vapor permeability of the entire structure. That is why we can say that wooden houses “breathe”.